@partial('basic-header', ['default' => 'stays']);

@if ($property->rules->canReport)
{$propertyID = $property->propertyid;} Report
@if (count($property->rooms) > 0) Reserve @else Contact for price @endif
{$gallerySize = count($property->gallery); $style = '';} @if ($gallerySize == 0) $style = 'style="grid-column:1/13; border-radius:10px;"'; @endif
{$property->title} image
{$max = $gallerySize > 4 ? 4 : $gallerySize;} @for ($index = 0 and $index < $max then $index++)
{$property->title} image @if ($gallerySize > 4 && $index == 3)
{$gallerySize - 4}+


{$stars = $provider->getRatings($property->reviewScore);}
@foreach ($stars as $star) @endfor
{$property->address} - Show on map


{ucwords($property->title)} has been welcoming {$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']} guests since {$property->started}

Guest Reviews

{$property->reviewScore < 10 ? printf("%2.1f",$property->reviewScore) : print($property->reviewScore);}
{app('query')->getReviewStarName($property->reviewScore)} - @if ($provider->canLeaveAReview($property->propertyid)) {$property->reviewCount} review{$property->reviewCount > 1 ? 's' : ''} or Submit a review @else {$property->reviewCount} review{$property->reviewCount > 1 ? 's' : ''} @endif
@if ($property->reviewCount > 0) {$reviews = app('query')->getLastTwoPropertyReviews($property->propertyid);} @if (count($reviews) > 0)
@foreach ($reviews['reviews'] as $review)
profile image

{ucwords($review['customer']->name . ' ' . $review['customer']->surname)}

{$review['star'] < 10 ? printf("%2.1f", $review['star']) : print($review['star']);}


Read all reviews >
@endif @endif

Places Nearby

    @foreach ($property->nearby as $nearby)
  • {ucfirst($nearby->place)} {$nearby->distance}
  • @endfor

Property Rules

  • Check-in
  • Check-out
  • Cancellation @if ($property->rules->cancellation == true) This property has free cancellation on all the rooms @else This property does not offer free cancellation. Check what conditions might apply to each option when making your selection. @endif
  • Early CheckOut @if ($property->rules->earlycheckout == true) This property supports early checkouts. Checkout can be from the checkin time up untill {$property->checkout_start} and ends by {$property->checkout_end}. Please note, late checkout might attract additional fee. @else This property does not allow early checkout. Checkout starts from {$property->checkout_start} and ends by {$property->checkout_end}. Late checkout might attract additional fees. @endif
  • Child Policy {ucfirst($property->rules->childpolicy)}
  • Pets Pets policies vary according to accommodations type. Check what conditions might apply to each option when making your selection.
  • Payment methods Here are the following payment methods supported by this property:
    @if (is_array($property->rules->paymentMethods) or is_object($property->rules->paymentMethods)) @foreach($property->rules->paymentMethods as $method => $val) @if ($val == true)
    @endif @endfor @endif
@if (count($property->rooms) > 0 or $property->applied_filter)

Search Result

{$history = func()->urlpath(); $checkInTimeStamp = strtotime($searchResult['checkIn']);} @if (count($property->rooms) > 0) @foreach ($property->rooms as $index => $room) {$isOpen = app('query')->isRoomOpenForCurrentTimeStamp($room->id, $room->property, $checkInTimeStamp);} {$isOpenTillCheckOut = app('query')->isRoomOpenBetweenTimeStamp($room->id, $room->property, $checkInTimeStamp, strtotime($searchResult['checkOut']));} {$room = app('query')->loadStandardRateFromAvaliability($room, $checkInTimeStamp);} @if ($room->isVisible && $isOpenTillCheckOut == true) {$href = ($room->reservable and $room->availability > 0 && $isOpen) ? func()->url() . 'book?utm_l=' . $provider->loadBookingUrl('property', $room, $searchResult, $history, '#choose-room') : '';}
@foreach ($room->images as $roomImage) {$room->title} image @endfor
@endif @endfor @else
No room matches this availability scan. Please try again.

1 / {$gallerySize + 1}

@for ($index = 0 and $index < $gallerySize then $index++) @endfor
{$property->title} image

Contact Phone

    {$phones = $property->rules->contact_phone;} @if (is_array($phones)) @foreach ($phones as $phone)
  • {ucfirst($phone->name)} {$phone->value}
  • @endfor @endif

Contact Email

    {$emails = $property->rules->contact_email;} @if (is_array($emails)) @foreach ($emails as $email)
  • {ucfirst($email->name)} {$email->value}
  • @endfor @endif

Contact Address


@partial('change-avaliability', ['title' => $property->title, 'searchResult' => $searchResult]);