{$category = urldecode(get()->category);}

List a {ucwords($category)} Vehicle

Hi! Before you upload to TripMata

To give your listing the best chance possible to be accepted, please make sure to read through the checklist below to get your vehicle ready for upload:

  • You have selected a clear title picture. You can choose from your photo gallery.
  • All information are correctly inputted for verification
  • Your email address has been verified
  • You have at least 2 images for this vehicle
  • All fields with * must be inputted correctly


* Title
Maximum 100 characters. No HTML or emoji allowed.
* Description
This field is used for search, so please be descriptive! If you're linking to external images, please mind the page load speed: use few, compress them and host them on a fast server or CDN.
* Seats
{$seats = @@post('seats');} Maximum seat occupancies for this vehicle.
* Color
The color of your vehicle.

Additional Images

There should be at least one picture in this category. Each picture must not exceed 5 Mb Supported formats are *.jpg, *.gif and *.png


* Country
* City {$states = app('query')->getVehicleCountsByStates();}
This should be the city where this property exists.
* City {$cities = app('query')->getAllCityByCountry();}
This should be the city in the state where this vehicle exists.
* Address
This field should contain the direct address to the property.

Contact Information

* Phone
Here you can add multiple help lines for reservations, support, booking, etc.
* Email
Here you can add multiple email addresses for reservations, support, booking, etc.


Here you can add more features that your vehicle contains. Input a text and hit ENTER to add to the list.
{$facilities = app('query')->getAllVehicleFeatures([]);} @foreach ($facilities as $facility)

Vehicle Rules

* Check in time
Please specify the check in time for this vehicle. eg. from 12:00 to 1:00.
* Check out time
Please specify the check out time for this vehicle. eg. from 04:30 to 6:00.
* KM Avaliable
This should be the total mileage avaliable on this vechicle.
* Price/Km
You should specify how much you charge per kilometer.
* Payment Methods
Customers can pay for their booking online at the time of making the reservation, or pay at the front desk using any of the following payment methods.

Switch Category
