@partial('basic-header', ['default' => 'stays']);

Modify Reservartion

@if (count($property->rooms) > 0 or $property->applied_filter)
{$history = func()->urlpath(); $checkInTimeStamp = strtotime($searchResult['checkIn']);} @if (count($property->rooms) > 0) @foreach ($property->rooms as $room) {$isOpen = app('query')->isRoomOpenForCurrentTimeStamp($room->id, $room->property, $checkInTimeStamp);} {$isOpenTillCheckOut = app('query')->isRoomOpenBetweenTimeStamp($room->id, $room->property, $checkInTimeStamp, strtotime($searchResult['checkOut']));} @if ($room->isVisible && $isOpenTillCheckOut)
@foreach ($room->images as $roomImage) {$room->title} image @endfor

{ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $room->title))}

    @foreach ($room->facilities as $feature) @if (strlen($feature) > 1)
  • {$feature}
  • @endif @endfor @if (count($room->facilities) == 1 && strlen($room->facilities[0]) < 1) @foreach ($property->facility as $feature)
  • {$feature}
  • @endfor @endif
  • Occupance {$room->baseoccupancy} : {$room->maxoccupancy}
  • @if ($room->childrenpolicy == false) Child not allowed @else Child allowed @endif
  • @if ($room->pets == false) Pets not allowed @else Pets allowed @endif
  • @if ($room->smoking == false) Smooking not allowed @else Smooking allowed @endif
  • @if ($room->extrapersonprice > 0)
  • Extra cost above min occupance ₦{number_format($room->extrapersonprice, 0, '.', ',')}
  • @endif
@if ($property->rules->cancellation) Free Cancellation Avaliable for this room. @endif
@if ($room->hasDiscount) {$room->totalDiscount}% off @endif
@if ($room->hasDiscount) ₦{number_format($room->price, 0, '.', ',')} ₦{number_format($room->newPrice, 0, '.', ',')} @else ₦{number_format($room->price, 0, '.', ',')} @endif
  • per night
  • ₦{number_format($room->newPrice > 0 ? (($provider->getNewPrice($room, $searchResult['period'], 'newPrice')) * $searchResult['rooms']) : ($provider->getNewPrice($room, $searchResult['period'], 'price') * $searchResult['rooms']), 0, '.', ',')} total
  • Includes taxes & fees
@if ($room->availability > 0 and $isOpen) {$room->availability} room{$room->availability > 1 ? 's' : ''} left! @if ($room->reservable and $room->availability > 0) {$ref = $provider->loadBookingUrl('property', $room, $searchResult, $history, '#choose-room');} Reserve @endif @else 0 room left for {($searchResult['checkIn'] == date('m/d/Y') ? 'today!' : date('D, M d, Y', strtotime($searchResult['checkIn'])))} @endif
@endif @endfor @else
No room matches this availability scan. Please try again.
@endif @partial('page-loader'); @partial('change-avaliability', ['title' => $property->title, 'searchResult' => $searchResult]);