Check in - Check out
@if ($searchType == 'places')

{get()->has('type') ? ucwords(get()->type) . 's' : 'Properties'} in {ucfirst($placeName)}


Explore {get()->has('type') ? ucwords(get()->type) . 's' : 'Properties'}

@endif {$lastMinuteCount = app('query')->lastMinuteCount;}
    {$tab = get()->has('tab') ? get()->tab : 'all';}
  • All
  • Top Rated
  • Recommended
  • @if ($lastMinuteCount > 0)
  • Last Minute Deals {$size = strlen(strval($lastMinuteCount)); $style = ($size == 3) ? 'size-8' : ($size > 3 ? 'size-6' : '');} {$lastMinuteCount}
  • @endif
{$other = $searchParamter['other'];}
@foreach ($searchResult as $row) {$id = $row->id . $other;}
item image



{substr($row->description, 0, 150)}..

{$ratingName = app('query')->getReviewStarName($row->reviewScore);} @if ($row->discount > 0)
{$row->discount}% off
@endforeach @if (count($searchResult) == 0) @if ($searchValue != '')
@if ($searchType == 'places') No {get()->has('type') ? get()->type : 'property'} found in "{ucfirst($searchValue)}" @else No {get()->has('type') ? get()->type : 'property'} matached "{ucfirst($searchValue)}" @endif
@endif {$properties = $provider->loadAllProperties();} @if (count($properties) > 0) @if ($searchValue != '')

Suggested stays

Change location
@endif @foreach ($properties as $row) {$id = $row->id . $other;}
item image



{substr($row->description, 0, 150)}..

{$ratingName = app('query')->getReviewStarName($row->reviewScore);} @if ($row->discount > 0)
{$row->discount}% off
@endforeach @else @if (get()->has('type') && $searchValue == '')
No property found in {str_replace(',', ' or ', get()->type)}
@endif @if (get()->has('amenities') && $searchValue == '')
No property with {str_replace(',', ' or ', get()->amenities)}
@endif @if (get()->has('tab') && $searchValue == '')
No property listed in {str_replace('-', ' ', get()->tab)}
@endif @endif @endif {$pages = app('query')->pages;} @if ($pages > 0) {$currentPage = get()->has('page') ? intval(get()->page) : 1;}
@if ($currentPage == $pages or $currentPage > $pages) {$lastPage = $pages-1;} Prev @endif {$start = ($currentPage > 2) ? ($currentPage-1) : ($currentPage == 1 ? 1 : 1);} {$drawTotal = ($start == 1) ? ($start + 3) : ($start + 3);} @if ($currentPage < $pages) @for ($x = $start and $x <= $drawTotal then $x++) @if ($x <= $pages) {$x} @endif @endfor @endif @if ($currentPage < $pages) {$nextPage = $currentPage+1;} Next @endif

Explore Nigeria

Scroll to the left to see more locations or click on the link below.

Show all places
Expand Filter

Property Types

{$types = $provider->loadPropertyTypes();} @foreach ($types as $type)


{$facilities = $provider->loadAllPropertyFacilities();} @foreach ($facilities as $row)
@php $searchResult = [ 'checkIn' => isset($searchParamter['checkin']) && $searchParamter['checkin'] != '' ? $searchParamter['checkin'] : date('m/d/Y'), 'checkOut' => isset($searchParamter['checkout']) && $searchParamter['checkout'] != '' ? $searchParamter['checkout'] : date('m/d/Y', strtotime('+1 day')), 'rooms' => isset($searchParamter['rooms']) ? $searchParamter['rooms'] : 1, 'adults' => isset($searchParamter['adult']) ? $searchParamter['adult'] : 1, 'children' => isset($searchParamter['children']) ? $searchParamter['children'] : 0, ]; @endphp
@partial('change-avaliability', ['title' => '', 'searchResult' => $searchResult]);