@if ($provider->isACorporateUser()) {$info = app('query')->getCorporateUserInformation();}

Corporate User


Your overall credit usage
@if ($provider->isACorporateMember())


Check these stats below in case you have missed something.

  • Bookings

    Overall bookings for all times

  • Approved Bookings

    Overall approved bookings

  • Pending Bookings

    Overall pending bookings

  • Declined Bookings

    Overall declined bookings

  • Active

    Companies you can book with

  • Blocked

    Companies you cannot book with

  • Companies

    Companies you belong to


All my corporate list

{$index = 1;} @foreach ($info->companies as $id => $row) {$index++;} @endfor
SN Company Bookings Status Credit Used
{$index} {ucfirst($row['company'])} {$row['bookings']} @if ($row['status']) Active @else Blocked @endif ₦{number_format($row['credit_used'],2,'.',',')}
@if (!$provider->isACorporateMember())
@partial('main-footer', ['message' => $message]); @else

Not a corporate user

You currently do not belong to a corporate company/account yet. You can also apply for a corporate account if you desire.

@if (!$provider->isACorporateMember()) Become a member @else Switch to admin @endif
@partial('basic-footer', ['partner' => '']); @endif