@if ($provider->isACorporateMember()) {$info = app('query')->getCorporateInformation();}



Your credit usage ₦{number_format($info->credit,0,'.',',')} credit limit


Check these stats below in case you have missed something.

  • Credit Limit

    Overall credit limit

  • Credit Usage

    Current credit strength

  • Members

    Your total members

  • Active

    Overall active members

  • Blocked

    Overall blocked members

  • Company Name


@hiddenInput('corporateid', $info->corporateid); @csrf; @method('@addCorporateMember'); @hiddenInput('customerid', '');
{$awaiting = app('query')->getPendingBookingsForCorporateMember();} @if (count($awaiting) > 0)

Awaiting Approval

@foreach ($awaiting as $index => $row) @endforeach
SN Member Date Amount Narration
{$index + 1} {ucwords($row['customer'])} {$row['date']} ₦{number_format($row['amount'], 2, '.', ',')} {ucfirst($row['remark'])}

All Members

@if (count($info->members) == 0)
Your company list is currently empty.
@else @foreach ($info->members as $member) @endforeach
Avatar FullName Bookings Status
{ucwords($member->name . ' ' . $member->surname)} {$member->bookings} @if ($member->status) Active @else Blocked @endif
@partial('main-footer', ['message' => $message]); @else @php if ($provider->isACorporateUser()) func()->redirect('corperate-membership/users'); @endphp

Not a corporate member yet

You are not yet a corporate member of TripMata. We ask that you be patient with us if you've have submitted an application. Else, click on the button below to apply.

Become a member
@partial('basic-footer', ['partner' => '']); @endif